I took the above picture of the school on March 10, 2006 the day the school went belly up.
The school opened in 1997 in the basement of Hunter Hills Friends Church. When it first opened, the school was called Pendle Hill Friends School. The school was pretty much makeshift consisting of only a few students, a few teachers, and limited classrooms.
Starting in 2001, the middle school moved across the street into the basement of Saint John's United Methodist Church. Like the rest of the school, the middle school was also pretty makeshift. 2001 was also the year I started Pendle Hill.

2003 was probably the height of the Pendle Hill legacy. Money was coming in, the classes were superb, etc. Also in September of 2003, I became a Roadgeek which really helped the field trips.
2004 brought many new changes. One of the founding people who started Pendle Hill left (who was the adminstrator). That resulted in another big change. 2004 was also the year when the name changed from Pendle Hill Friends School to Pendle Hill Christian School.
Starting in March of 2005, I tried to film my Back to the Future the Second movie at Pendle Hill. One important thing that had to be done was to convert the school into Carolina Circle Mall. It wasn't going to be easy. I'd put a picture on here of the hallway, but there's some blogger error. Later.
2005-2006 was also the school year that Pendle Hill started the 9th grade. That gave me another 1/2 year.
Around Christmas of 2005, Pendle Hill started to fade away. Due to severe financial troubles, Pendle Hill Christian School closed permanently on Friday, March 10, 2006. It was a very sad day. The nearly 9 year old school was gone. There are so many theories on the reason the school closed, it's hard to really pinpoint the reason it closed.
We will never forget the great school called Pendle Hill Christian School.
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